Category: Therapy Health Studio

How Water’s Negative Ions Increase Your Positive Vibes

For people that crave the crashing waves of the ocean, traveling to waterfalls and fast moving rivers, there’s an instinctual motivation behind it that allows us to recharge our natural energy sources.

As our moods constantly shift and our “vibes” give off different projections of how we feel, our bodies give off energy. Our energy is made up of both positive and negative ions. Opposite to what you may think, it’s the positive ions that are the ones that bring us down. When we absorb to many positive ions from our day to day lives such as from the humming of a computer, our phone screens and being confined for too long to our homes and offices, we begin to feel stuck, lethargic and irritable.

When we are close to moving water it creates an abundance of negative ions that we can absorb into our systems by proximity. These natural stimulating environments automatically up your serotonin levels, you absorb more oxygen into the blood  and our bodies can better filter toxins. In turn, you hit a reset button and bonus, the soothing rhythms and natural good vibes from nature make us feel more connected and in a better place.

So if you’re feeling like your positive ion are too high and you need to reset – perhaps it’s time to go for a walk to the beach or take a hike to a river or waterfall. It will do you good and definitely increase your good vibes!

The Importance of Feeling Safe

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As humans, our physiology is highly responsive to potential threats to our safety. It’s a survival mechanism that’s allowed us to evolve as a species. This responsive system means that when we detect a threat in our environment many changes occur in our body that prime us to respond quickly so that we can avoid danger and death. These changes indicate an activation of our sympathetic nervous system and they include racing heart, sweating and changes in our breathing.  This system is all encompassing because survival takes precedence over anything else. When we are in survival mode we are unable to put our energy into growth, connection and restoration.  We are completely overtaken by the search for safety. Humans need to feel safe in order to thrive.  This may seem like a very basic concept but it’s often overlooked in our relationships, our primary institutions, and even when examining our own motivations.  At times we may work in an environment where we don’t feel safe or we may be friends with people with whom we don’t feel at ease, or even have contact with family where our safety has been compromised. We may have to access personnel (such as doctors, police officers, teachers) that put us in a heightened state of arousal because they are trained to be evaluative and reprimanding at times.  This doesn’t leave us in an optimal position to thrive. We may need to work on restoring a sense of safety in our body.

A person’s behaviour is highly dependant on the state of their nervous system.  If they are constantly dis-regulated and feeling unsafe they may also feel anxious, depressed, aggressive, frightened and unable to attune and attach.  When we look at it through this lens we realize that creating safety in all our relationships and in our bodies, becomes of paramount importance to our wellbeing, our relationships and our health.

Our bodies are very wise and they are constantly providing us with important information.  We can be quick to ignore it or brush it off.  As children, we had very little control over the safety of our environment and those in it.  We may have learned that shutting down and pushing through was the only way to survive.  It is actually remarkable that we are capable of doing what is necessary to survive. Yet many of these adaptations are no longer adaptive when we are adults. Thankfully it is possible to create shifts so that we can reclaim safety in our bodies and our lives.

No matter what you are struggling with, remember that your body is a wise resource and you can trust what it is telling you.


Written By: Andrea Papin
Registered Professional Counsellor

The Art of Boundary Setting

Setting boundaries, in order to better care for ourselves, isn’t always easy. We live in a culture that expects us to do it all and have it all. Listening to your body and slowing down aren’t associated with success and acclaim. Especially as women, we are expected to give to the point of depletion and then give some more. Our identities tend to be tied to our credentials, creations and ability to multi task and manage.
Finding a balance between giving to others, doing what needs to be done and making sure our own tank is full is a delicate art and most of us haven’t had this gentle equilibrium modelled for us. Perhaps we grew up in a home where taking care of others was a way to feel needed and important, or a home where we had to take care of everyone and take on a parental role far before it was developmentally appropriate. There are many family of origin scenarios that can make boundary setting particularly challenging. So how do we break out of this rut and start tending to ourselves?
I like to think of a boundary as an energetic or physical field that can protect our vitality and emotional equilibrium. Some common signs that we need to strengthen our boundaries are fatigue and anger. When we tune into these states within ourselves, we often find that we have a felt sense of being overwhelmed, depleted or violated. We may intuitively know that what is required of us is boundary setting but this can feel challenging, especially when we have beliefs around other peoples’ needs being more important than our own, or fears around not being loved if we say no.
Knowing what our boundaries are and honouring them isn’t always easy and can be a lifelong process that requires flexibility and a simple place to start is to just notice when we feel run down, agitated or angry and allow ourselves to notice the quality of those feelings in our body. Do we feel constricted in our chests? Tingly in our limbs? Just know that whatever those sensations are, we don’t need to change them. They are important messengers that are giving us information about what we may need. When we really listen we may notice that underneath the anger or fatigue there is grief, longing or fear that is driving us and making it hard to set a much needed boundary. Think of this as a gentle process of noticing. There is no pressure to change or do anything. We can simply start by allowing ourselves to notice what we feel. Asking ourselves what we may need, even if we don’t feel quite ready to provide it. Start where you are. I trust that the rest will come.
Written by Andrea Papin
Registered Professional Counsellor

Small Intentions Could Become Big Game Changers

Photo By Alejandro Escamilla
Putting your energy into something you want is a great way to create mini positive shifts in your life that can later become huge game changers.
Hard copy proof of your intentions already puts the idea into action. Scribble something out on paper, start a journal, make a note or take a picture on your phone. Talk about it and make a point to bring it out of your head and into the world.
I am a Pinterest junky. It’s my favorite social media tool to collect ideas and inspiration. You can design an idea board for anything and everything. Who knows, you may suddenly try a new recipe, do a new workout, make your own DIY or travel to that gorgeous beach you’ve been lusting after in a travel photo.
Three years ago, I had this day dream about having my own massage therapy clinic. I distinctly remember where I first said the words out loud. After that conversation, I started to think more about what my clinic would look like and how it would be lovely to utilize my design skills from my previous career. These conversations and ideas began as pure fun and indulgence, until slowly a series of events, openings and choices presented themselves, all bringing me closer to this crazy little idea becoming reality. Here I am, just celebrating two years being owner of my very own clinic Therapy Health Studio.
A day dream,  passion, hobby or idea that’s floating in your mind deserves to be put out into the world and into your life. Who knows what little or huge results it could bring, and why not!? It’s just for fun, anyways ;)

How I Make the Most of the Rain Season

I don’t know what it is about this time of year in Vancouver and call me crazy but, I like it. I have always enjoyed fall and the shift of seasons with little desire for cold temperatures and snow. So, when I moved here from Ontario almost 10 years ago, I made my peace with the rain season.

I’m lucky to live and work in a neighbourhood that has lots of places to escape cabin fever and get out to. I think some of the best rainy days are spent cozy in cafe’s, going for Sushi or Pho, afternoon pints, brunch or lunch. It’s important to get out and socialize. Then, when you’re back at home, you’ll feel you had a nice productive day before you put the “give up” pants on.

What keeps me feeling energized in the dreary mornings lately, is getting up a bit earlier than usual for some exercise. I wake up and zombie walk around my apartment for the first 30 minutes, but eventually I get caffeine in my body, put my sneakers on and do a home workout. This isn’t for everyone, but even if you try it a couple days a week, it can really shift your entire day. If you are lucky enough to catch a break in the clouds, get outside for a quick walk or run for some vitamin D and fresh air.

Weekends are great to stay inside and warm up your house by warming up the oven. How lovely to curl up with a big bowl of soup, stew or chilli. The great thing about these meals is they can be super healthy to keep our immune systems up. Winter vegetables are hearty and flavourful, making a big batch means easy grab lunches for during the week. Create a meal plan and spend an afternoon chopping and cooking to your favorite Songza playlist.
If you need a handy reboot option, it may be time to book a massage or another form of holistic therapy that you enjoy. Taking time out for yourself will alter your mood and create a shift. The grey days can make us feel lethargic and low energy, so why not reach out and find a balance to keep you on track.

Stay dry out there Vancouver, and when the sky finally stops falling for those seconds, minutes or hours, get outside, hug a tree and enjoy the lush green backdrop that our amazing rain forest provides.

Also, never leave your house without an umbrella!


About The Blog

head shotHello!
I am new at this blog writing thing, so bare with me! My name is Carrie Brouwer and Therapy Health Studio is my small business I started almost 2 years ago.

I am a Registered Massage Therapist, 30 something year old woman living in Vancouver, the city that I love. I’m a health enthusiast (most days), mild granola tree hugger who doesn’t mind nerding out on the latest in natural health buzz and foodie finds. I like to run, bike, and hike, hit the gym and play outside trying to maintain balance and enjoyment of life like the true Libra I am. Music is the soundtrack that follows me and I love to share what I find on my endless hunt for the perfect playlist. I’m forever inspired by design, art, colour and how a room can make you feel. In short, I feel like the things I love and share with my clients and friends, may inspire others. So, why not write a blog about it, right!?

I hope you have fun reading my posts and find something positive to take with in your journey of everyday life, health and inspiration.
