Small Intentions Could Become Big Game Changers

Photo By Alejandro Escamilla
Putting your energy into something you want is a great way to create mini positive shifts in your life that can later become huge game changers.
Hard copy proof of your intentions already puts the idea into action. Scribble something out on paper, start a journal, make a note or take a picture on your phone. Talk about it and make a point to bring it out of your head and into the world.
I am a Pinterest junky. It’s my favorite social media tool to collect ideas and inspiration. You can design an idea board for anything and everything. Who knows, you may suddenly try a new recipe, do a new workout, make your own DIY or travel to that gorgeous beach you’ve been lusting after in a travel photo.
Three years ago, I had this day dream about having my own massage therapy clinic. I distinctly remember where I first said the words out loud. After that conversation, I started to think more about what my clinic would look like and how it would be lovely to utilize my design skills from my previous career. These conversations and ideas began as pure fun and indulgence, until slowly a series of events, openings and choices presented themselves, all bringing me closer to this crazy little idea becoming reality. Here I am, just celebrating two years being owner of my very own clinic Therapy Health Studio.
A day dream,  passion, hobby or idea that’s floating in your mind deserves to be put out into the world and into your life. Who knows what little or huge results it could bring, and why not!? It’s just for fun, anyways ;)

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